How can an eclipse in a cardinal sign help an Empath heal from narcissistic abuse?

Welcome to another soul-nourishing episode of "Empath Rising." Today, we embark on a journey toward clarity and freedom—a journey that speaks directly to the hearts of empathic souls seeking to break free from toxic relationships.

In astrology, eclipses in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) are associated with initiating change, taking action, and breaking new ground. If you're an empath healing from narcissistic abuse, an eclipse in a cardinal sign can be a supportive influence for your healing journey.

The eclipse is occurring October 14, in Libra and is a vital time for you to remove your blinders, allow the messages to come, and find clarity in your relationships in order to move on empowered in your next chapter in life away from narcissistic abuse.

Tune in now!

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