“ The most devastating part of being with a narcissist is their ability to break down your sense of self.” 18:13 - Ashlee Levitch @thenarcandme

Breaking free from a manipulative narcissist is never easy but understanding why it takes longer to get out of a relationship can help you reach freedom faster.

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Our guest today shares the Unseen Struggle as a survivor With Escaping a Narcissist.  Ashlee Levitch, @thenarcandme is the Host of the Narc & Me podcast, Ashlee is a 5 year survivor of narcissistic abuse. With an audience of 50,000+ followers on TikTok, she educates on what narcissistic abuse looks like, the relationship dynamic, the severity of the abuse and how to heal through story telling and real life scenarios. 

Escaping and then being a survivor of narcissistic abuse can be incredibly difficult. Today we discuss what it means to be a survivor and how you can protect yourself and make a successful escape. 

Here are some key moments:Understand the Narcissist’s manipulative tactics : gaslighting, seeding insults and doubt, walking on eggshells, questioning your own reality, avoidant and neglect your existence, you have a hiding place, losing your voice.
"The person I loved and trusted the most, convincing me every day that I was losing my mind” 20:17

Seek professional help , don’t isolate yourself and let them isolate you. Establish healthy boundaries and keep them firm 
“ I was equally manipulated because of my level of trust, and he preyed upon that, which is what abusers.” 20:44Don’t worry about what others think: Radical Acceptance
“And the tough thing too is that you have to come to terms like my therapist all the time. I hate the phrase she uses like, well, today we need radical acceptance.” 44:40Don’t try to change the narcissist : Focus on your self change And losing people is part of the process and if they support the abuser they weren’t healthy for you anyways. 
“Change is inevitable, but especially as a survivor narcissistic abuse. ” 47:22

Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex