“I believe that's what spiritual awakening is. It's just a shift in perspective." - Britt Johnson @venus_rising_ Astrologer

Discover how to use astrology and somatic healing techniques to relieve trauma and pain. This comprehensive episode will show you the power of combining astrology with body-based approaches!

Tune in tomorrow for a Bonus from this conversation.

MORE: ravenscott.show

Here are some key moments:

 Somatic Healing [28:45] “Somatic practices and having to deal with. The body, specifically the nervous system, so nervous system regulation and,  what, what does the body need in order for that? And obviously, breath is at the top of the list in somatic practices,  because. That is the life force energy. That is where we can stimulate even access d m t within our pineal. Breath and dance and movement music and sound."Narcissistic Father : [26:27] “Every boundary in every relationship has to be across the board, no matter what role they play in your life, period.”Plant Medicine “psychedelic plants are just the mirror to ourself because psilocybin mushroom,” 29:00Gaslighting is the worst to heal from: [42:10] “Navigating your life not only through someone else's lens”

Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex