"I believe wholeheartedly believe when you shine your internal light it creates an aura of protection around you. "

Magic Kathi talks to us about her background and deep multi life experience with being an astrologer. Entering the Age of Aquarius and how we are in the era of rebirthing a whole archetype on this planet. She gives us a forecast of what to be prepared for during 2021 and 2022. 


As adults in 2020 we are here for a reason. 
Look at your birth chart to figure out why you are here. What is your contribution? And what can you do with others?  
Don't Fear 5g. 


IG magic_kathi_official

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Divine Feminine Alchemy Events: November 12 6 pm pst - Empowering parents in education struggles during the time of Covid. Sign up HERE 

November 20 7 pm pst - Sagittarius Divine Feminine Alchemy Circle Sign up HERE

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