Discovering the Treasures Within 

What is Inner child? Why is it important to practice this visual meditation? 

How do we heal her/him?  Download Free Guided Inner Child meditation HERE

I've been asked to co-host a sacred feminine circle group called Divine Feminine Alchemy Circle. This is where I have my inner child meditation... And you can join the community HERE

If you are new to me, or have known me awhile. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Tiffany, I am a wife, mother, Interior Designer, author, podcaster, and human design self care Coach for parents and children.

As a survivor of a toxic relationship, and conscious in raising strong children of integrity, I am committed to sharing my journey in my book, Discovering The Treasures Within on Fridays on my podcast Return to Calm.

I fell prey to a narcissist as an empath. He was controlling and emotionally abusive and I started hating my life and drowned myself and tried to numb the pain through alcohol. I lost my family, I lost my friends, and myself while I was in that relationship.

I had an awakening at my Saturn return and I woke up and finally made my attempts to leave solid. I left and found instant freedom, but experience PTSD.

I found my healing and calm through spiritual practices, journaling, yoga, meditation, reading self care books and EFT tapping.

Consequently I unearthed my true inner self and treasures I lost along the way of my painful but enlightening spiritual journey.  My intention is to help others design their lives, inside their souls, and LOVE THEMSELVES.

Tell me if you can relate to any element of my journey in the comments below or in my DM. @returntocalmmom

or Text me HERE