We hold all our anxiety in and "keep going"  This chapter shares how I experienced pressure and anxiety my whole life. And then I guide you through a proven anxiety lowering practice EFT Tapping . 

You may return to this podcast and have me guide you through it for the next 28 days at the first of your waking in the morning. It sets the tone for your day and this is the life changing practice that helped me stop yelling at my loved ones. 

I have lived through a lot of heart ache and pain in my life and I'm only 37. I fell prey to a narcissist as an empath. He was controlling and emotionally abusive and I started hating my life and drowned my self and tried to numb the pain through alcohol. I lost my family, I lost my friends, and myself while I was in that relationship.

I had an awakening at 28 (my Saturn return) and I woke up and finally made my attempts to leave solid. I left and found instant freedom, but experience PTSD.

My passion is to tap into my intuitive gifts and magic to save other women from the same heartache.

Text me here what your thoughts are after you listen. Text me your thoughts here 

Also remember to rate and review this podcast. When you do and share it to social media I will give you a FREE meditation box! $45 value. 

find me on IG returntocalmmom


Learn more about the Pause & Return to Calm Retreat HERE