Do you find you are on edge and hard to trust again in relationships?

In this eye-opening episode, I share the common yet labeled "crazy" behaviors of survivors of narcissistic abuse. Join me as I unravel the complexities of life after narcissistic relationships and explore the coping mechanisms that emerge from the shadows of trauma.

In this episode I share:

Being Hypervigilant about Red Flags can be a negative ( a bit)Self-Isolation can lead to self loathing and loneliness Issues with Boundaries (sometimes you have none, other times you have too many) Jumping into Relationships Fast for Love and Validation ( I share my story)

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode as I share my story and share with you our shared peculiar traits of narcissistic abuse survivors and how knowing Human Design can help you heal.

All Links are all the Podcast Page.

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