"You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship if..." 

This chapter is all about the experiences I had and the reasons why I left. They coincidentally are also the signs that you may be in an abusive relationship. 

Listen in and please use caution in listening and stay safe. 

Reach out to a professional counselor or therapist/ social worker for help. You do not need a lot of money for help. There is help available for nonprofit. 

1. Dismisses your emotions

2. Use emotional or physical punishments towards you for their disappointments.

3. Puts all blame on you for conflicts

4. Isolates you from others

Tiffany Nguyen, is a wife, mother, Interior Designer and role model . As a survivor of a toxic relationship, and conscious in raising strong children of integrity, she is committed to sharing her journey in her book, Discovering The Treasures Within on Fridays on her podcast Return to Calm. She found her healing and calm through spiritual practices, through journaling, yoga, meditation, and EFT tapping.

Consequently she unearthed her true inner self and treasures she lost along the way on her spiritual journey.  Her intention is to help others design their lives, inside their souls, and outside in their homes.

Please feel free to reach out to me via DM on Instagram or email. I look forward to hearing how my journey and these interviews resonate with you.

[email protected]


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