Previous Episode: Retro Superplex 156 – Scalps

HELLO! Yes, it would appear that this website has not been updated for a considerable amount of time but FEAR NOT, I have not been pointlessly paying for webhosting for the past three+ years for nothing. So the Pandemic really did a number on us huh? I was working in …

The post WE ARE NOT DEAD appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.

HELLO! Yes, it would appear that this website has not been updated for a considerable amount of time but FEAR NOT, I have not been pointlessly paying for webhosting for the past three+ years for nothing.

So the Pandemic really did a number on us huh? I was working in retail through the worst days and my life also changed considerably during that time. As a result I have been in survival mode ever since and though my life is settling down somewhat now, it’s been very difficult to get back into creating kickass, diverse podcasts. But that is all set to change very soon.

Nerdy Little Secret will be going away at some point, it is a sad old thing with many negative associations for me. I have been starting fresh in life the past year or so and it’s time to start fresh here too. More news on that to come very soon but here is what I can tell you:

We are shifting our focus entirely to podcasts, a podcast network if you will. I hear there are a couple of those out there.

Retro Superplex will be returning! I have been absolutely dying to get back on the mic with my best bud Justin the 8-Bit Animal and I’m thrilled to bring that back.

We have two more podcasts planned! Bad Channels is one (trailer below) and the other is *gasp* yet to be announced! I’m so goddamn excited about this stuff y’all, you have no idea.

So that’s all for now! Stay tuned for the new site, and the new podcasts! We’ve actually managed to come with some ideas that out of work actors stuck at home haven’t come up with yet! Love you, see you soon.

The post WE ARE NOT DEAD appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.