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The post Retro Superplex 99 – A Very Special Episode appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret.

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<Martin’s note: my apologies this episode has been so delayed. We talk about Mauro Ranallo and his battles with Bipolar Disorder and in the process I open about my own Bipolar experiences. It was not easy for me to talk about the affect the illness has had on my life but I felt it was important. It did, however, take a toll on me and was not an easy thing for me to edit and post. That is why it was delayed, my apologies.>

This episode of Retro Superplex requires trigger warnings for language regarding references to sexual assault and mental illness. If you or someone that you know needs for help but does not know where to turn you can visit RAINN.org, crisistextline.org, suicidepreventionhotline.org or suicide.org. Here is another good resource.

Martin and Justin talk about the Mauro Ranallo situation with WWE, Mauro’s battle with mental illness and how it was exploited by WWE to bully and mock him. As a Bipolar Disorder sufferer himself you can imagine Martin doesn’t care for this behavior.

THEN the guys talk about something fun, the NJPW Sakura Genesis show with the crazy main event of Kazuchika Okada and Kazunori Shibata. Some other great matches happened on this show including a wild rematch from Wrestle Kingdom, Hiromu Takahashi vs. KUSHIDA, Hirooki Goto vs. Zack Sabre Jr. and War Machine challenge for the IWGP tag titles!

Music comes courtesy of Barry Leitch!

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The post Retro Superplex 99 – A Very Special Episode appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret.