Celebrate as Martin becomes a Real American! Some other stuff happened too, like E3. And Money in the Bank, NXT Takeover and NJPW Dominion! One of these is probably the best wrestling show of the year while another is a sad reminder why they appear rudderless and destined to …

The post Retro Superplex 129 – Real Americans appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.


Celebrate as Martin becomes a Real American! Some other stuff happened too, like E3. And Money in the Bank, NXT Takeover and NJPW Dominion! One of these is probably the best wrestling show of the year while another is a sad reminder why they appear rudderless and destined to fail to make new stars again. Also, this was recorded before the passing of Leon “Vader” White but fear not, the whole of the next episode will be about him. This episode is dedicated to the Matt “Guitar” Murphy.


Martin: F-Zero GX

Justin: Super Hydorah

Music comes courtesy of Barry Leitch!

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The post Retro Superplex 129 – Real Americans appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.