[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/337303893″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] John Cena is heading off to make a Transformers movie, is this a step towards becoming a Hollywood sellout turning his back on WWE and never coming back ever like The Rock? If so, what does he leave in his wake as WWE cancels most of their shows […]

The post Retro Superplex 109 – Bend the Knee appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/337303893″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=true&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

John Cena is heading off to make a Transformers movie, is this a step towards becoming a Hollywood sellout turning his back on WWE and never coming back ever like The Rock? If so, what does he leave in his wake as WWE cancels most of their shows on the WWE Network? Has Vince McMahon finally figured out that basing his streaming service on the intro from WWE Crush Hour is a bad idea? Have they already botched Jason Jordan on Raw and can NXT avoid fumbling the interesting prospect that are the Street Profits? Also, more silly bad ideas coming from the general direction of Nintendo and Martin talks about Nex Machina the excellent new game from Housemarque made as a loving tribute to Smash TV and Robotron.


Justin – Little Samson for NES (you can’t afford it)

Martin – The career of UltraMantis Black

Intro music comes courtesy of Barry Leitch! Outtro is ‘Tearing the Veil From Grace’ by Cradle of Filth

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The post Retro Superplex 109 – Bend the Knee appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.