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Rory Gulak is a Philadelphia native, wrestler, trainer, coach young brother of WWE’s Drew Gulak. Martin and Justin have a great talk with Rory Gulak about his recent victory at the first Johnny Kidd Invitational and his future title shot against CHIKARA Grand Champion Juan Francisco De Coronado. Then they go back and look at Rory’s early years as a wrestler and his love of hardcore wrestling leading to him to follow in the footsteps of his hero Nick Mondo as he began to train. Rory talks about his time as “Little Mondo” and later “Rory Mondo” as his hardcore career took him to Japan and put him into, onto and through a host of dangerous things.

Rory Gulak would take a break and return to the squared circle as one half of “The Amazing Gulaks“with his brother and so began the second stage of his career as a technical wrestler. Rory also talks about his time working with the nonprofit Beat the Streets Philly which gives opportunities to young people to train in amateur wrestling and his class he now teaches at the CHIKARA Wrestle Factory. Rory has a bright future in wrestling, has a great attitude and is well worth listening to!

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Music comes courtesy of Barry Leitch!

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The grappling masters who were part of the Johnny Kidd Invitational

The post Retro Superplex 106 – Rory Gulak! appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret.

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