Previous Episode: American Pie (1999)
Next Episode: Selena (1997)

In this week's podcast, Peter, Ray, and special guest Ryan (from Dismembering Horror pod) travel back to the year 1982 to talk about Poltergeist. This is episode is jammed pack with discussions about if this horror film still holds-up in 2019, how many layers (if any) does this movie have, and much more. This is our longest podcast to date so I hope you all enjoy it because we had a great time recording it!

Shout Outs: Ryan- YouFellaSleepWatchingaDVD (website)| Peter- Vampire Weekend Father of the Bride (music)| Ray- Ramy (Hulu)

Listen to next week's podcast when Peter and Ray celebrate Cinco de Mayo (a little late which is on brand for us) revisit the film, Selena (1997)

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Credits: Album art created by friend of the pod Lis. Visit her Etsy store to see more of her work.

Music for this episode is provided by FMA and created by Audiobinger- "Pre-Game Warm-Up".


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