Previous Episode: Selena (1997)
Next Episode: A Single Man (2009)

In this week's podcast, Peter and Ray jump back to the year 2000 to revisit Erin Brockovich. This is a movie Peter has seen many of times and is Ray's first. This film stars Julia Roberts and is the movie she won her only Oscar for back in 2001. So, let's jump in and see if this film still holds-up today.

There are no shout outs this week (sad face) because Peter and Ray take the time to chat about the live action Aladdin movie that opened up this weekend. They get to chatting about if this film does a disservice to the OG animated movie and if Will Smith's Genie comes anywhere close to what Robin Williams did with the role.

For the next few podcast throughout the month of June, Peter and Ray will be celebrating Pride Month by revisiting some of the best LBGTQ films they grew-up watching.

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Credits: Album art created by friend of the pod Lis. Visit her Etsy store to see more of her work.

Music for this episode is provided by FMA and created by Audiobinger- "Pre-Game Warm-Up".


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