In celebration of the new Star Wars film, ending of a Saga, join Drisky and Kingy as they chat about some of the lesser known Star Wars Games out there, that we love and all mixed in with two big hitters that are our favourites.

Don't forget Drisky wrote the book on Star Wars Video Games (literally) way in his time at Retro Asylum, so have a read with this free pdf book that covers every Star Wars game ever made (up to 2014 when it was written)...

its a great read and perfect accompaniment to the show.

Games covered are:

Death Star Interceptor (Spectrum) : [Vid Link]

Star Wars (Famicom) : [Vid Link]

Star Wars - Attack on the Death Star (X68000) : [Vid Link]

Star Wars (Game Gear) : [Vid Link]

Star Wars Dark Forces (PC) : [Vid Link]

Rogue Squadron 2 : Rogue Leader (Game Cube) : [Vid Link]

Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of  Sith (GBA) : [Vid Link]

Other notes:
Sharp X68000 Emulator : [Vid Link]

As always we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions so please reach out to @RGDSPodcast on Twitter or on Facebook [Vid Link] we would love to hear.