Hello there retro gamers welcome to The Retro Gaming Discussion Show "RGDS"

In today's episode 134 the main topic is all about " Andrew Foster "

Andrew is a talented musician who tours around the country but also has a huge passion and knowledge for retro gaming

Andy talks to Andrew Foster about his point of view on retro gaming and how he got into retro gaming plus loads more!!

The song at the end of the podcast is by Andrew Foster and is called "Personal Legend"

If you enjoy his music then please check out his music at http://www.andrewfostermusic.co.uk

You can also follow Andrew on Twitter @andyfostermusic

And also on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrew-Foster-musician/533083706745182


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, RGDS is also now available on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/retrogamingdailyshows-podcast/id954142242
Or the RSS feed http://retrogamingdailyshow.libsyn.com/size/2
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