Planet Earth is losing biomes like the Amazon rainforest. The world ocean is losing its coral reef ecosystem. Biodiversity on the planet is at an all-time low. Humans are exploiting wildlife and each other. Greenland is disappearing. We might lose emperor penguins in our lifetime. Sea level rise could swallow up coastlines and islands. Global warming is real and climate change is here. We can stop this from getting worse if we demand government action now.

UPS Goes On Strike (01:02),
US Child Labor Abuse (06:29),
Worker Protections During a Heatwave (09:03),
Texas Sides With Industry Over Workers (13:53),
National Beef Sizzles (15:33),
McDonald’s Fails Workers During Heatwave (20:35),
Climate Change Is Coming For You (25:57),
Ocean’s Coral Reef Bleaching (30:58),
Pollute the Ocean for Clean Air (33:45),
Was the Amazon Rainforest Real? (40:54),
Zombie Worms (44:37),
Remember Emperor Penguins? (50:13),
Climate Change Budget (52:29),
Rewilding Takes Effort (54:27),
Life Without Tomatoes (55:55)