Divorce over age 50, also known as the Gray Divorce, is an unfortunate reality for many people. My guest, Heather Locus, Wealth Manager and head of the Divorce Practice Group of BDF, LLC in Chicago, is a nationally-renowned expert in helping women and men navigate the financial and personal impact of divorce.

In the podcast today, we will talk about:

Heather’s personal story and she came to focus on helping those through the divorce process The trend of Gray Divorce Steps one can take before making that decision The differences between divorce over age 50 and under 50 What a successful divorce process looks like in retirement How people can move forward from divorce in this stage of their lives.

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We will answer listener questions on a future episode of the show.  If you have a question for us to tackle, please email us at [email protected]

Bios and contact information for today's guest can be found here:

Heather Locus: https://www.bdfllc.com/about-bdf/your-bdf-team/heather-locus/ 

Click here to read Heather's Forbes article on Gray Divorce: Gray Divorce article on Forbes

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