Have you thought about getting a mortgage for your home in retirement? If so, have you strategized how you would pay it off?

In this episode, we explore Scott’s question about pursuing a mortgage and paying it off early. Listen in to learn some different strategies you could use if you plan to get a mortgage on your home in retirement. 

OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE RETIREMENT ANSWER MAN PRACTICAL PLANNING SEGMENT [2:08] Should Scott get a mortgage to build his retirement home? LISTENER QUESTIONS [12:13] HSA fees can be more expensive than the interest [15:14] What should John think about when deciding on whether to get a mortgage? [19:12] On using reverse dollar cost averaging [22:07] Can we use Roth conversions to do RMDs? [25:29] Understanding investment advisory fees [29:28] Tom’s perspective on his retirement ROCK LIFE [33:41] On cultivating a growth mindset TODAY’S SMART SPRINT SEGMENT [35:00] Take your thought and do it in the moment Resources Mentioned In This Episode

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Roger’s YouTube Channel - Roger That

BOOK - Rock Retirement  by Roger Whitney

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