Today, I’m talking to Dr. Tom Kamber. Tom is the founder and executive director of Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) and Senior Planet. He is a leading expert on aging and technology and has provided award-winning programs for older adults across America. 

Tom has taught courses on technology, urban studies, and philanthropy at Columbia University, is widely published in professional and academic journals, and is a co-founder of the Afro-Latin Jazz Alliance which has won multiple Grammy awards.

In our conversation, Tom and I dig into common questions retirees have about technology, how to leverage technology like AI to get more out of retirement, and some best practices to protect yourself from fraud and identity theft.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

Why people are so tired of talking about legacy–and why it’s making an impact that really matters.  The encounter with an 80-year-old woman who fell in love with dance later in life that radically shifted Tom’s perspective and practice.  How to address older people’s anxieties, resistance, or discomfort around new technology–and how Tom gets people over the age of 50 to participate in the Senior Planet community. Why Tom believes AI has huge potential to empower seniors. How to deal with common scams including identity theft, gift card fraud, stolen passwords, and relatives who are supposedly in trouble. 

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Show Notes:

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📧 WEEKEND READING FOR RETIREES: Receive CFP® insight on 4 hand-picked financial articles delivered straight to your Inbox each Friday: 

📅 SCHEDULE YOUR PERSONAL FINANCIAL REVIEW: Book a 15-minute call with Howard Bailey Financial to see how the topics discussed here apply to your individual situation: 

ABOUT HOWARD BAILEY FINANCIAL: Our mission is to help others gain clarity in purpose and elevate meaning in their lives through personal and practical financial strategies. Our Retire With Purpose™ Framework starts with establishing your unique financial philosophy — the true meaning and purpose for your money in retirement. Through continued education, one-on-one meetings, and a comprehensive team planning approach, we have helped retirees across the country secure their financial futures. And while we can't work with everyone, our goal is to provide value to everyone we meet. Our team of advisors and support specialists strive to deliver the very best experience in pre-retirement and retirement planning. Learn more about our process here:

Today, I’m talking to Dr. Tom Kamber. Tom is the founder and executive director of Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) and Senior Planet. He is a leading expert on aging and technology and has provided award-winning programs for older adults across America. 

Tom has taught courses on technology, urban studies, and philanthropy at Columbia University, is widely published in professional and academic journals, and is a co-founder of the Afro-Latin Jazz Alliance which has won multiple Grammy awards.

In our conversation, Tom and I dig into common questions retirees have about technology, how to leverage technology like AI to get more out of retirement, and some best practices to protect yourself from fraud and identity theft.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

Why people are so tired of talking about legacy–and why it’s making an impact that really matters.  The encounter with an 80-year-old woman who fell in love with dance later in life that radically shifted Tom’s perspective and practice.  How to address older people’s anxieties, resistance, or discomfort around new technology–and how Tom gets people over the age of 50 to participate in the Senior Planet community. Why Tom believes AI has huge potential to empower seniors. How to deal with common scams including identity theft, gift card fraud, stolen passwords, and relatives who are supposedly in trouble. 

Our Market Outlook Webinar is live! Visit to register.

Show Notes:

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📧 WEEKEND READING FOR RETIREES: Receive CFP® insight on 4 hand-picked financial articles delivered straight to your Inbox each Friday: 

📅 SCHEDULE YOUR PERSONAL FINANCIAL REVIEW: Book a 15-minute call with Howard Bailey Financial to see how the topics discussed here apply to your individual situation: 

ABOUT HOWARD BAILEY FINANCIAL: Our mission is to help others gain clarity in purpose and elevate meaning in their lives through personal and practical financial strategies. Our Retire With Purpose™ Framework starts with establishing your unique financial philosophy — the true meaning and purpose for your money in retirement. Through continued education, one-on-one meetings, and a comprehensive team planning approach, we have helped retirees across the country secure their financial futures. And while we can't work with everyone, our goal is to provide value to everyone we meet. Our team of advisors and support specialists strive to deliver the very best experience in pre-retirement and retirement planning. Learn more about our process here: