Today, I’m talking to former Pittsburgh Steelers running back Robert “Rocky” Bleier. Rocky is a 4x Super Bowl champion, the Bronze Star Medal and Purple Heart recipient, and the author of Fighting Back: The Rocky Bleier Story and Don’t Fumble Your Retirement. 

Rocky has made a massive impact on people’s lives as a parent, grandparent, serviceman, and Pittsburgh Steeler–and it was an honor to talk to him today in anticipation of his upcoming speech at his alma mater, Notre Dame. 

In our conversation, we get into the big lessons Rocky learned about teamwork and leadership from his college football days at Notre Dame, how his experience in the army translated to his life in the NFL, and how we build a legacy through our actions–and what we teach–for future generations. 


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In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

How the fundamentals for successful football teams translate into fundamentals for success in life. Why it’s so important to take care of the basics–both financially, and in who you are.   Rocky’s story of being drafted in the NFL by the Pittsburgh Steelers and then by the US Army in his first NFL season and how he handled it. How Rocky survived getting cut after coming back from Vietnam too weak to play football, transformed his mind and body, and broke into his team’s starting lineup. Taking care of the basics and laying a solid foundation will make the challenges in life (and business) easier.

Show Notes:

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