Today’s guest is Dwayne Clark. Dwayne is the founder of Aegis Living, a national leader in senior assisted living and memory care, and the winner of Glassdoor’s Top 50 Companies To Work For award. He’s also an author, playwright, sculptor, podcaster, and much, much more.

Dwayne lives what I call the Job Optional lifestyle. He continues to do the things he does because he loves doing them - and has built his life to ensure that he gives back to those who helped him along the way. In his newest book, 30 Summers More, he shares bite-sized wisdom and research to help us live our best lives as we move into our senior years.

Today, Dwayne joins the podcast to talk about what it means to give back and create for the greater good, how to escape ruts of boredom, and the actionable steps we can take to live longer, happier, healthier lives.


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