Each year, about two-thirds of Americans plan on making a financial-related New Year’s resolution for the year ahead, with just over 80% of them bailing on that resolution before January ends.  Don’t bail on your financial resolution! 

Join us on this episode of Retire Smarter as Tyler Emrick, CFA®, CFP®, gives easy and actionable suggestions for what financial goals should be a part of your financial New Year’s resolution to overcome the odds and put yourself in a better financial situation in 2024.


Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

Personal finances can be overwhelming, which is why so many people make it a priority to start the year.
Start with getting a handle on where your money is going.
Why it’s important to revisit your investment strategy.
Don’t overlook the housekeeping items that sometimes get forgotten.
Identify where you want to go and then build goals that help you achieve that.


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