It's usually a life event -- retirement, Social Security age, business sale, death or inheritance -- that tends to drive people to seek financial advice. Those that tend to benefit the most from advice are those whose time is valuable and where the cost of a mistake is high (and potentially irrevocable.)
Hear Kevin and Tyler talk about recent meetings they've had with people seeking help. Learn why the problem that brought them in often isn't the real problem. Rather, it's the "unknown unknowns" or the "things they think they know but just ain't so" that are more so the problem to avoid or opportunity to capitalize upon. This is an episode that many listeners will be able to relate to and cause 'aha moments.'
Here's some of what you'll learn on this episode: 
Some background on a recent growth award we were recently honored with. (1:15)
An example of how we help families identify and address their estate planning needs. (6:54)
Is a Roth Conversion right for you? (14:47)
The ways we typically provide the most help to people. (19:35)
Analogies for why it's important to have the right information. (24:03)

HAVE QUESTIONS? Need help making sure your investments and retirement plan are on track? Click to schedule a free 15-minute call with one of True Wealth’s credentialed and experienced professionals or visit


Or listen to episode 45 to learn about True Wealth’s Retire Smarter Solution™ that aligns your money to your goals, overlaid with tax-smart strategies, so you can retire with confidence.