Welcome to Rethinking Football. This is part 3 of our 3-part series interview with Manuel Romero. I am your host Dawn Brown. Today we will be discussing one of the best international summer tournaments in Spain, the Cerdanya Cup.

Competitive Youth seasons finish around June in Spain and there are no real football competitions for youth until around mid-August or September when all the youth players return from vacation to their top tier teams. Most teams take the opportunity to host summer camps aim to give a tourist experience rather than a real competitive one to foreign players with low level.

We wanted to talk about this event because unlike most summer tournaments in Europe, it actually hosts top teams and gives players and scouts a stage to evaluate players skills. Many top teams use this event as their last post season competition to help their coaches finalize their roster for the following season.

Romero joins us from Sabadell, Spain and is speaking to us through an interpreter.