Previous Episode: Christmas Update

Given the recent events at the capitol building and the growing divide between Americans of different political persuasions, it is time to rethink power at the national level. As it is now, more power is centralized with every new president and we see more and more anger, despair, and violence as that power is exercised by each side in turn. This is a cycle that can only end with national civil war.. Months ago, we proposed a solution to this problem in the form of Federalism. In this episode, we address the essential detail that makes federalism functional: the right to secede. We argue that secession is a moral right based on the concept of self determination and rule by the consent of the governed. Without secession, federalism has no teeth. With secession, there is an out for citizens who are being oppressed. We also address the most common arguments against secession such as: 1: Secession is unconstitutional. 2: Secession is a threat to our national security 3: Secession is a tool of oppression or racist 4: Secession cannot be done peacefully. And More.Music: Beauty Flow by Kevin MacleodPhoto: Harun Tan from Pexels