In the new world of brand marketing, authenticity trumps all. You could say that influencers helped shape this new reality. In the post-COVID era, influencer marketing has reached a tipping point that is redefining marketing and advertising as we know it.
During this episode of Retail Remix, Lindsay Jerutis, General Manager of ShopStyle Collective, shares how the company is helping retailers identify, engage and nurture influencer partnerships that activate a “ripple effect” that drives tangible business results. Check out this episode to learn:  

The evolution of the influencer universe and how micro, nano and gigfluencers create meaningful engagement with niche communities;  The strategic and tactical guideposts that should drive your influencer investments; and  How to marry influencer marketing objectives to key performance indicators so you can effectively measure success.  


Learn more about ShopStyle Collective Get more influencer marketing insights and content Read how influencers are driving ecommerce innovation