I wanted to dedicate an episode to highlight my first year in business with Doggylicious and summarise what I have learnt as well as provide some stats as a lot of you guys have followed this journey since day one. 

To start things off, here are some Doggylicious headline stats from year 1 in business:

$75K in annual sales. 13,000+ units have been packed by hand. 104,000+ cookies visually inspected before being pack and consumed by dogs. 450+ hours on my feet have been spent packing cookies. We had several Key Loyal Partners that believed in Doggylicious this year (Eastern Distributors, Health Magic, Pet Circle, Catch, Go Vita, Coles Local, OTR).  Over 100+ 4 or 5 Star Reviews on com.au. 2 Additional products launched, Yoghurt Drops and Carob Drops. Over $30k of sales from LinkedIn networking. 2,202km driven to drop of stock. 1 neighbour trying to close down my business.  Zero times I wanted to give up.