Recently I was asked to record the first hour of Theory of the Off-loading Chiropractic continuing education workshop that will be located in Huntington Beach CA on June 8-9th 2019.


Here is the rough outline of the course that I send to people interested in coming!



Off-Loading MSK & Neuro Pathology

How to Effectively Use Corrective Exercise, Loading & Strength/ Conditioning In Patient Care - A Conversational Workshop


Normal Structures In Normal Situations Don’t Hurt

Normal Structures In Ab-Normal Situations May Hurt

Ab-Normal Structures In Normal Situations May Hurt

Ab-Normal Structures In Ab-Normal Situations Probably Hurt


Michael Shacklock



My name is Sebastian. Let me start by saying that this workshop was not my idea. Nor was proof reading this document.


Why am I writing this?




It was suggested that I teach and get the LACC Class of Fall 2008 together for a “brainstorming” session. I would happen to be the moderator. I would like offer it to our class (deadline Feb 8th) before opening it to others.


As a general rule, invite people who are open-minded to a discussion.


Format For Workshop

This will be an open forum for conversation.


Nobody has all of the answers. Everyone has different experiences of “what works” for certain pathologies.


In this workshop, we will be learning from each other.


We’ll be working together to challenge our biases to better serve our patients with a “non-bias” recommendation of care.


My goals is for everyone to leave better than they came, including myself.


This will be a forum for learning. Everyone is welcome to challenge what’s being presented in a professional way.


Side conversation is welcome. It will not be G rated.


What You Will Learn


We tend to not know, what we don’t know, till we’re exposed to it.


Being out of school and away from other great docs tends to hinder our learning. Being married to certain techniques also hinder our critical thinking with complex cases.


I know what I can bring to the table, but the secret ingredient is what the participants (you) bring to the workshop.


Here’s what you can expect to learn from me:



Effective Exercise Therapy Dosage And Selection Considerations Of Symptoms: Muscle Tone Vs. Tissue Damage Effective Verbal & Tactile Cueing For Strength And Conditioning (So You Can Co-Manage Effectively With Strength Coaches/ Trainers) Identification & Reduction Of Patient’s Unrealized Bias To Their Improvement



Effective Exercise Therapy Dosage And Selection

I hear this all the time.


“I’ve tried physical therapy for months and my pain decreased a little, but never went away.”


In this situation, I’d suspect the exercise was not cued well, the exercise was incorrect for the person or the dosage was incorrect.


When used correctly, corrective exercise can be more powerful than you’ve ever thought possible!


Hip flexor tension gone after a birddog. Back back gone after deadlifting. Neck pain gone after a horizontal pull. Radiculopathies gone after cueing a simple plank.


Let me show you what I mean in class...


Considerations Of Symptoms: Muscle Tone Vs. Tissue Damage

When a patient says their hamstring is “tight,” is it really tight or does it just “feel tight?”


How does this information change our treatment (manual, correctives and ADLs)?


Investigation of their complaints in this way, you’ll be able to reduce their problems without using manual therapy and/or CMT.


Again you’ll have to trust me and experience it for yourself.


Effective Verbal & Tactile Cueing For Strength And Conditioning (So You Can Co-Manage Effectively With Strength Coaches/ Trainers)

Ever wonder why some people get hurt deadlifting and others can lift massive amounts without a problem?


Simple, many people lose tension.


Same with shoulder injuries in Crossfit, hip impingement in squats, and sports hernias in rotational sports.


Learning tensioners will assist you in co-management with fitness coaches, who’ll think you’re a damn genius for showing them these simple cues. Prevention under load starts with tension.


Identification & Reduction Of Patient’s Unrealized Bias To Their Improvement

Why do some people refuse care?


Why do some people (like your family member and close friends) turn away FREE care?


There can be so many reasons, BUT to sum it up in one sentence… they have an “unsaid concern or bias” against your help.


They could believe they’re “degenerating” or they’re “broken.” They may have been told a harmful belief in the past that’s affecting their future recovery.


Let’s find it.