A recent trip to a cell phone store prompted a discussion about Customer Service (CS). Our experience wasn’t that great, but it got us thinking about the CS in our relationships….is it good or bad?

What is the responsibility of the store and the customer? In our relationships, do we as customers pay on time? Do we ask for what we want? Do we let the company know if there is competition? As a company, how is our follow-through? Do we offer loyal, consistent service? Do we offer points? (ahh yes, it’s ALL about the points!)

We’d love to hear any thoughts you have on this!

Action Steps:

Ask for Customer (your spouse) feedback on the service they are receiving.

1. Do you feel heard?

If no: “Tell me what you need.”

2. When the customer (spouse) has a request (emotional or a task) is the follow-through thorough?

Yes/No: How can I improve?


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