Restoration is about leaing the earth better than we foundit.

In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will loveonly what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught (BabaDioum, 1968)

In this episode of Creation Care, Kim talks with JonathanTwining, Assistant Professor of Biology at Eastern Nazarene College. The conversation centers on how Jonathan cameto care about God’s creation and how he approaches teaching his collegestudents about creation care. Jonathantalks about the two things he wants his students to understand. First, is pollution and environmental health(which is an environmental science issue) and our impact on the other species inGod’s creation (conservation). Thediscussion centers around these two areas and how we can all become more awareand take action. John also challengesthe fear of many (including Kim) that snakes are bad, given that God said thateverything He created was good.