Paul Macaluso, President and CEO of Another Broken Egg Cafe, talks about the importance of investing in your staff, as taking care of your employees' career growth can lead to better relationships, business, and brand results. Paul also talks about the changes he’s seen across the restaurant landscape, namely the growth of digital media and the importance of technology in current restaurants.

Key Takeaways & Quotes

• Implementing & scaling off-prem from 0 to 15% of business
''We started promoting off-premise third-party delivery and our online ordering platforms. Now it's a significant part of our business, over 15% of our business. It carried us through the pandemic. We were able to keep things going, provide jobs for people, and keep the brand growing. That is now a big part of our business, and something that I think will be for a long time...

• Invest in careers for your people
Paul believes business growth depends on an organization's willingness to focus on its employees. As he explains, "the brand grows as much as it allows its members to grow professionally.

• Investing in relationships helps you evolve professionally
Paul’s career took off when he invested in relationships. It’s not just about the skills, but it was about the relationships. Find mentors and people you can confide in; people that can be honest with you about what your opportunities are. "

Another Broken Egg Cafe

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