Toxic work environments (and burnout) is the #1 reason employees quit their jobs.

Milena Regos is a “burnout expert.” An award winning marketer who had her own burnout experience - that led her to found the “Unhustle” movement.

Restaurant culture has been based on Hustle since the beginning of time.  

YET … the majority of restaurant workers are BURNED OUT. Over-stressed. Over-worked. Under-paid. Under-appreciated. Under-rewarded. 

Add to that a thinning workforce and severe labor shortages… and we have an industry in peril. 

Creating a Healthy Work Culture that Prioritizes Employee Care IS JOB #1!

Things you’ll hear about:

Nearly 1 million restaurant workers are burned out (80%)The definition - and signs of - burnoutGenerational changes in how work is performed Why “work-life balance” is a dated, irrelevant term and LifeWorkPlay Design is not.The power of building strong relationships and friendships at work. The need for Well-being in the workplace & open honest dialogue Creating harmony between humans and companiesOne in three Americans had their first job at a restaurantDo you work to live or live to work? 

Join the Unhustle Movement - it’s good for humans and good for business. 

Milena is a global speaker who is educating, leading and inspiring others to create sustainable success by prioritizing well-being and purpose as a path to achieve optimal performance. Follow, learn and connect with her here:


Who Comes First? The Employee or  Guest?What’s Self-Care Got to Do With It?We're in the People Business

Still wondering … what is Unhustle? It is “ a counterintuitive approach to how we live and work that leads to increased well-being, focus, purpose and performance.” 

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