The labor shortage is Not going away! But your approach to this challenge can either be “Woe is Me” or “I’ve Got This”. Its your choice.

Give a listen to today’s episode as I offer a proven way to Fight Fire with Fire when hiring staff for your restaurant. Stop hiring warm bodies and anyone with a pulse.

I know when staffing is tight, it's tempting but I assure you this approach is going to be disastrous to your business. This only leads to hiring the wrong people who will kill morale and turn off your customers!

Know that you can build your own restaurant “Dream-Team” and I can show you how. It’s all about a different approach that will pay huge dividends in lower turnover, happier staff, thrilled customers and a ringing cash register.

BTW, I offer a proven solution to the above at the end of the podcast, so make sure you stick around til the end.

Don’t miss it!


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