Lots of restaurants hire in a pinch for the wrong reasons with the wrong approach. I see want ads all the time for desperate restaurants seeking experienced people...

"Wanted Experienced Cook.. Experienced Server" - Why? Most of the time, these people usually don't work out - No wonder turnover is so high in the restaurant business.

Instead, I always hired for personality, approach and a true desire to serve the public. It's made all the difference in my successful restaurants and it will work for you.

Listen as I show you how to Get an “A-Game” from your “A-Players”, by developing what I call your restaurant “Dream Team”.

Here’s how you can:

- Minimize turnover in your restaurant and build a “Culture of Hospitality”

-Combine Great Service with Salesmanship

- Develop a Service Staff that makes friends with your customers and brings them back again and again!

Go out there and Rock Your Restaurant.
