Episode #120 - The Help Wanted Sign is Dead! There I’ve said it.

I’ve always believed that the Help Wanteds are a great way to find someone else’s problems and just because you need a new hire, the wrong person won’t be doing your business any favors. I learned long ago that a C-Player can absolutely sabotage your customer’s experience and your business. Don’t let it happen to you.

So here’s a paradigm shift. Give this episode a listen as today I’m talking to a superstar recruiting expert. Mr. Mike Durre shares his “secret sauce” to finding key personnel from a GM, to Chef to line positions.

We discuss the difference between Hiring and Recruiting, the mistakes many restaurant owners and GM’s make when filling an open position and how to build your restaurant “Dream Team”.

Nothing is more important to your operation than finding, developing, recognizing and rewarding the best talent possible. Believe me, your customers know the difference.

If Mike can be of service, reach out at: [email protected] or check out their website www.dineinnrecruiting.com

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!