Fact is 82% of the Dining Public Order Out! If your restaurant isn’t taking online orders, you’re missing lots of sales and potential profit.

I have always believed that you can’t have too many profit centers in your restaurant and this one is a must have.

Problem is many systems require you to have multiple tablets from each of the delivery platforms to receive orders. Talk about a nightmare. How could your staff possibly keep it all straight without messing up orders, not to mention the wasted food, lost profits, clutter and storage issues. That’s just crazy.

But today, I’m talking with an industry veteran who’s disrupting the old way with an innovative online ordering solution. One dashboard, one printer all integrating with your POS system. Best part is, all the major delivery platforms are also onboard. That’s right, Ubereats, Eat Street, Eat24 and all the rest are there.

Join me in speaking with Alex Canter with OrderMark. He’s a 4th generation restaurateur from the famous Canter’s Deli in Los Angeles turned tech CEO.

See for yourself if Alex’s solution can give your sales and profits a boost - https://www.ordermark.com/

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!


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WiFi Tech: They’re the “TEXT PERTS” and for a limited time, they’re offering Unlimited Texts with low monthly subscription rates. See for yourself at www.getwifitech.com/rockstars

Learn More About The Restaurant Rockstars Academy: The Ultimate Restaurant Start-Up & Management Course - https://restaurantrockstars.com