I hear it time and time again. “My employees don’t do what I expect... they call out on shifts, or they don’t show up at all”!

Since the pandemic; finding, keeping, and motivating restaurant employees has just gotten harder. They seem to have a different mindset... their work ethic doesn’t meet expectations... What to do?

In this episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast, I’m speaking with Scott Greenberg, a leadership and restaurant employee performance expert.

On top of being a leading franchisee himself, Scott is an author and internationally acclaimed speaker for TEDx and leading top organizations in many industries.

Listen as Scott advises:
• The difference between true leadership and being a manager
• How a restaurant can create a strong company culture
• Understanding the values of younger workers and the four personality types of hourly restaurant employees
• Effective ways to motivate today’s hourly restaurant employees
• The difference between a “results oriented vs. “people oriented” approach
• What is a “Peak Performance Mindset”
• How to turn a “paycheck collector” into an A-Player

And of course what you can learn and apply from Scott’s new book: Stop the Shift Show: Turn Your Struggling Hourly Workers Into a Top-Performing Team.

Don’t miss this episode, get my FREE “Top 3 Ways You’re Killing Your Restaurant Profits and a bonus at www.restaurantrockstars.com/profits then go out there and Rock YOUR Restaurant!


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Popmenu: For a limited time only, popmenu is offering our listeners $100 off your first month plus an unchanging lifetime rate. FREE Demo: https://www.popmenu.com/rockstars

The Restaurant Academy: Everything you need to know to optimize profits and maximize sales https://restaurantrockstars.com/joinacademy/

Sculpture Hospitality is the solution to improve your bar or restaurant inventory and gain healthier profit margins! https://SculptureHospitality.com/rockstar

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