I’ll bet restaurants spend and lose billions of dollars on marketing that just doesn’t work. They try this campaign and try that, all on a hope and a prayer. Unless you can track where your business is coming from, you’re wasting your time and precious marketing dollars.

Have you tried Direct Mail?

I know what you might be thinking... “that’s so old school” or
“I tried that once and I didn’t really get the results I was looking for”, I get it, but hang on.

In this episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast, I’m speaking with Dave Fink, Founder and CEO of Postie. Postie is disrupting traditional Direct Mail efforts with digital technology and getting far better results. You know I love a disruptor!

Listen and learn as Dave shares:

- How Direct Mail has 20% greater reach than Facebook
- Why Direct Mail has 3X the engagement over email campaigns
- How to win the Modern Marketing Game
- The best Marketing Strategy for restaurants right now regardless of Sales
- The importance of Website Re-targeting

And of course, how Direct Mail meets the Digital World.

Watch or listen, decide for yourself, and then go out there and Rock YOUR Restaurant marketing!


Learn the Top 3 Profit Killers in Your Restaurant: https://restaurantrockstars.com/profits

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