This is perhaps the most revolutionary time in the restaurant world. With more available ready-to-go spaces and the food truck opportunity exploding, now may be the time to start your own business, to go boldly ahead with a dream, a strong vision, and people you may already know with talents to help make your vision a reality.

This episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast is all about the entrepreneurial journey…. How to grasp it, how to go after it and how to get it! I’m speaking with Benson Tsai of Stellar Pizza. He is a former Rocket Scientist turned Pizza entrepreneur with a dynamic concept that just may upset and transform the way pizza is made, prepared, delivered, and enjoyed.

Stay tuned as Benson shares:

- Where his idea came from and how he’s putting the pieces in place to launch a completely different pizza concept
- The importance of Team building, and how people you’ve known and worked with may be the key-ingredient to starting and launching a brand
- How to share a vision and what you need to demonstrate to attract funding
- The importance of your “pricing” model to attract and retain your guests
- Efficiencies and Cost Controls to enable strong margins at a reasonable cost to consumers

And of course, Benson’s best advice to other aspiring entrepreneurs with a dream and an idea!

Now go out there and Rock YOUR Restaurant or Start One!


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