I’m a huge believer that training your staff to provide Superior Customer Service is “Job 1” for any business, especially restaurants. In the thousands of details in running your restaurant, nothing will build your business faster, nor have a greater impact on your profit and bottom line. This is more important now during the pandemic than ever.

In this episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast, I’m speaking with Dr. Kelly Henry, a man who built his chiropractic practice into multiple clinics from the foundation of providing consistently exceptional customer service. Now, he has re-invented himself into a customer service coach and author of the book “Define and Deliver Exceptional Customer Service”, due out mid-January 2021.

Stay tuned as we discuss:

- Hiring for Attitude vs. Experience and teaching the rest
- Praising performance 4X vs. a 1-time reprimand
- How to transform Unremarkable restaurant service experiences
- Training staff to be consistently “Customer-Centric”
- The importance and power of the “AM Huddle”

And this biggie: How a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to up to a 90% Profit Increase! You’ll have to listen to learn how.

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!

Connect with Dr. Kelly Henry: www.drkellyhenry.com
Train Your Staff to Double or Triple Your Sales: http://bit.ly/SS01721
Schedule a Free Consult With Roger: https://restaurantrockstars.com/free-consultation/