Whether you’re a restaurant owner, chef or line cook, now may be the time to uplevel your kitchen talent. This pandemic keeps on keeping on, but you’re future in this business depends on your creativity, skillset and value to your employer.

So why not consider taking cooking classes online?

In this episode of the Restaurant RockStars Podcast, I’m speaking with Ken Rubin, Chief Culinary Officer of Rouxbe, the world’s leading online culinary school. Ken’s experience comes from top level management at Le Cordon Bleu, as well as the Natural Epicurian Academy of Culinary Arts.

You’ll hear all about Rouxbe’s world-class instructors, the extensive range of online culinary classes to take at your convenience, and even eLearning these skills in multiple languages.

Check out www.rouxbe.com and get inspired.

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!

More Restaurant Resources: https://restaurantrockstars.com/