How do you deal with negative online reviews? Before the days of Yelp and TripAdvisor many of us used comment cards and secret shoppers to obtain feedback, myself included. Sure these were ways to track customer satisfaction and even build a database, but there’s a better, simpler and more effective way.

Now your customers can bring issues to your attention digitally before they leave the restaurant and anonymously if they choose.  Many customers are embarrassed to complain in person, but give them a way to tell you in a manner they choose and you’ll improve your operation and have a powerful competitive advantage.

In this episode of the Restaurant RockStars Podcast, I’m speaking with Matt Selbie of  His system allows immediate customer feedback via mobile device with a digital comment card. Your staff take appropriate action, recover the situation.  They will satisfy the customer, retain their loyalty and prevent negative online reviews!

Listen on as Matt demonstrates:

-  Common restaurant problems or complaints frequently fixed

-  Feedback through SMS, Voice or Web without needing an App

-  Photo uploads of the issue

-  Tracking staff actions and the end resolution

-  Fixing safety and maintenance issues

and most of all, stop Negative Online Reviews before they happen!

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!


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