Covid-19 has turned all of us upside down, but it’s also been a huge opportunity… a time to flesh out your business, tighten things up, make necessary changes and pivot to a more profitable business model.

Many of you are trained chefs and culinarians. Possibly you’ve lost your cooking gig, or your hours have been reduced and you need a new opportunity. What to do?

Listen to this episode of the Restaurant RockStars Podcast. I’m speaking with Chef Donna G, Founder of the Personal Chef Network.

Donna’s a graduate of the demanding “Le Cordon Bleu” Cooking School, and she has found a new opportunity not only as an in-demand Personal Chef herself, but as an inspiration and trainer teaching others how to start their own personal chef business.

There’s a huge demand right now for personal chefs in private residences, catering and special events all across the country.

We’ll be talking all about:

- How to start your own new business

- What client’s are looking for

- Menu Development and special requests

- What you need to know to keep yourself and clients safe during Covid

- How to create awareness, find clients and market yourself

and much more.

Why not check out this opportunity at

Now go out there and ROCK your Restaurant!


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