So many restaurants spend and spend on marketing hoping to make something stick! It’s really a shotgun approach dumping money out the window or throwing darts at a board. Problem is you don’t know what’s going to work unless you try, but unless everyone who walks in your door tells you why they came in, you’ll never know.

So today’s guest on the Restaurant RockStars Podcast is Matt Plapp of ROI Experts. He throws all that to the wind and gives you the straight skinny on marketing that really works. He knows as he’s been to the brink and back before building his company that now helps other operators explode their marketing programs, build effective lists and drive insane customer loyalty.

One of the coolest things we talk about is what Matt calls creating an “Emotional Connection” with the customer. Building that powerful loyalty is like money in the bank. Think of what the lifetime value of each customer is really worth if they become raving fans of your business and suddenly come in more often.

We’re going to talk about social media strategy, what to communicate, how often to communicate and special offers that bring in the crowds.

I’m working with Matt and his team right now at my new restaurant, so I’m speaking from experience.

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!


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