To open a restaurant you need equipment. To expand your menu and increase restaurant sales you need equipment. New or Used? Buy, rent or lease? Finding time to source it? What to do?

Today’s episode is a different way in sourcing equipment. I’m talking with KWIPPED, a B2B Marketplace where you can find virtually any piece of restaurant equipment across the country. You get quotes from multiple sources for that equipment and then compare prices and options. If you have a short term or seasonal need, you can rent it. If you want to lease it for awhile and return it, you can do that too. Or, you can lease it to own it.

With a marketplace, you get options and best pricing with reputable dealers.

Give a listen and see for yourself what you can get, how it works and when you can get it. You might just save time and headaches. Run a restaurant, while KWIPPED finds it for you.

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!
