Employees are your most underutilized marketing asset! Here are ways to get the most marketing out of your team via Onboarding and training.


Employees tout your restaurant to friends, family and most importantly, tables full of patrons
During the onboarding process, the opportunity to create raving fans of your organization is prevalent
The better job you do of passionately sharing your story, your passion, your ethos and your love the better your employees will both believe in it and pass it along


The better they are trained, the clearer the expectations become, disagreements arise less frequently, and job satisfaction increases
The higher the job satisfaction, the bigger fans they become
The bigger the fan, the more infectious bragging they will do
The more they know, the more they can help
The more they help, the more sales they make
Example:  If trained properly during a menu rollout, the staff has a chance to not only experience the new offerings, but also to offer their input
The more input they have, the more ownership they have
The more ownership they have, the more pride they have
The more pride they have, the more confidence they have
The infectious your staff’s positivity, the better experience your guests will have
The better experiences your guests have, the more they will come back
On top of that, train them directly on how you want them to market your space!

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