Buying ahead of the curve will make all the difference for you. Stefan’s ambition and passion for real estate led him to find the property he had been looking for for the longest time. He could see the potential of both the building and the neighborhood, the only thing left in the checklist were investors who shared his vision.

A dentist, a secret investor and a hungry shark walk into a bar. This confession holds not only an inspiring story of a young entrepreneur but important life advice that could change your life today. There is nothing in this life you can’t get, you just need the correct allies. 

“I used the skills I had learned to create a loan proposal and business plan. I spent late nights researching the area, coming up with statistics, doing numbers and building budgets, and finally I had a binder of facts and data that I could show to an investor to build a case for them to fund my crazy project.”

Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter:

What does it take to become a self-made millionaire?

What are the steps you have to take today to achieve this dream?

Is it possible for you?

Many have wondered, few have succeeded...

Self Made: Confessions of a Twenty Something Self Made Millionaire follows the real life story of Stefan Aarnio (award winning real estate investor and entrepreneur) through the struggle of starting out with zero cash, zero credit and zero experience in his pursuit of financial freedom.