"There is no political, cultural or economic solution to the crisis we're facing because the crisis is not political, cultural or economic because it's spiritual. We're losing a spiritual battle. We're losing a war for the soul of the West. Everything else flows from that," says Michael Warren Davis, author of the upcoming book After Christendom. "Everything that flows from that the economic injustice, the cultural depravity, the moral decadence, the political corruption… all of that comes because we collectively as western civilization have rejected Jesus Christ. Until we commit our whole lives to the service of heaven, then nothing will change, nothing will get better." Davis is a contributing editor of The American Conservative and the author of The Reactionary Mind (Regnery, 2021). He previously served as editor of Crisis Magazine and U.S. editor of the Catholic Herald of London. His next book, After Christendom, will be published by Sophia Institute Press. Follow his Substack newsletter, The Common Man.